Term Dates
We have four main terms each year, plus intensive School Holiday programs.
Our Terms basically follow the four Tasmanian School terms, however, we are closed for all bookings (including classes) on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday. (Your Term fees will reflect this if you are booked to attend on one of those days.)
Additionally, we run School Holiday Programs in January (2 x 5 day programs), April (1 x 5 day programs), July (2 x 5 day programs) and September (2 x 5 days programs). If you enrol for the ten consecutive days (Weeks 1 and 2) you will get a $10 discount on the second week. You will be amazed at the results. Most children get promoted to a new level within the ten days.
For further details of precise commencement dates for terms, please call us on 62781021.